Content Curation: Here’s Why You’re Doing It All Wrong And How To Do It Right By Sticking Your Neck Out

If you’ve followed my social media profiles for longer than a day, you’ve probably noticed that I’m a huge fan of content curation. In my opinion, it’s one of the fastest and most productive ways to get awesome content on your site. Period. And becoming known for sharing useful, thought provoking or inspiring content on…
How to Clear the Overwhelm And Share Your Expertise In A Structured Way That Helps Others Learn “To Do It Like You”

Tell me if this situation sounds familiar? You know stuff. In fact, you know lots of stuff. And by that I mean that you know how to do lots of useful things. Maybe it’s cooking the perfect lasagne… Maybe it’s setting up the perfect website… Maybe it’s sharing the perfect social media update… Whatever it…
Can You Really Make More Webinar Sales With Honesty Than Hype? Part 3 of 3

This is Part 3 of a 3-Part Series If you’d like to read parts 2 & 1 of this series, click here: Can You Really Make More Webinar Sales with Honesty Than Hype? Part 2 of 3 Can You Really Make More Webinar Sales with Honesty Than Hype? Part 1 of 3 Carrying on from…
Case Study Breakdown: How to Create An Awesome Customer Experience For A First Time Buyer

Do you want to create an awesome customer experience for a first time buyer? Do you want your customer to have an experience that makes them feel special and makes them want to become a brand advocate…. All without you having to ask or spend an extra dollar to do so? Well, try taking a…
Can You Really Make More Webinar Sales With Honesty Than Hype? – Part 2

Carrying on from where we left off in Part 1, it’s time to address the main question head on So if the traditional approach to webinar selling has been based on over-inflated hype for so long, how then do you make an honest, less-hyped-up webinar sale? If you’d like to read part 1 of this…
Can You Really Make More Webinar Sales With Honesty Than Hype?

Those that know me well won’t be surprised to hear that this post was inspired by a conversation. Picture this. There I am having a chat with a colleague about one of her new training programs, and as we’re talking away she mentions that she wants to start using webinars to build interest in…
25 Tips & Tricks to Rock Your Twitterverse

When it comes to adopting social media, my friends occasionally accuse me of “coming late to the party”, and despite the fact I’ve been on LinkedIn for the better part of a decade (so not exactly a social media latecomer), I acknowledge that it took me until 2013 to find a reason to…
Recording In Multiple Locations – What’s The Big Deal?

Family vacations are always something I look forward to, and every time I go on vacation these days I seem to struggle with a dilemma of whether to bring my mobile recording rig along for the trip or to leave all the gear at home and just focus on taking time out to recharge the batteries.…
Got a Cold and Need to Record A Voiceover? Hot Asian Plant To The Rescue!

Winter has well and truly arrived here in Australia, and for those of you who may be planning to jump on a microphone and record your voice at some point during the colder months, you need to be aware that it can be harder to record clean, crisp audio narration during this period.…
Want To Narrate Online Training Like A Professional? Muster Up The Right Skills First.

There’s a popular TV show here in Australia called The Block, a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) renovation show that takes a handful of amateur renovators from all walks of life, pits them against each other in a competition that not only tests their demolition and building skills, but equally their design flair and project management credentials. It’s…